In the following list there are all e-resources available at VŠE, sorted by type. Choose one of them, or start searching multiple e-resources using the discovery service below:
Writefull Suite
Advanced phrase- and sentence-level text proofreading in English
Fulltext general resources
business journals, profiles of selected companies, economic analyses, studies and reports
Czech journals and newspapers, transcriptions of selected Czech radio and TV shows
ProQuest Central
journals and newspapers from the field of natural and social sciences, market reports, profiles of selected companies and industries
Specialized sources - full-text
ACM Digital Library (ACM-DL)
journals and conference proceedings from the field of computer science
legal system focused on Czech and EU legislation (in Czech)
Beck Online CZ
legal system focused on Czech legislation (in Czech)
EconLit with Full Text
overview of crucial economics publications according to American Economic Association
Emerald Managements eJournals
electronic journals focused on management
media monitoring and analysis
IMF eLibrary
statistical data, studies, books and periodicals by International Monetary Fund
archive of journals from the field of social and natural sciences
OECD iLibrary
full texts of documents and statistical data published by OECD
analyses and statistical data focused on consumers, selected industries, companies and countries
Patria Plus
up-to-date data and news from financial markets (in Czech)
SAGE Business Cases
collection of business cases including teaching notes
SAGE Research Methods
research methods library
statistics, facts, market data, various reports, infographics and forecasts
Taylor & Francis – Business, Management & Economics
e-journals produced by Taylor & Francis and other publishers
Citation indexes
a tool for analyzing citation data of individuals, institutions, countries or research areas provided by Web of Science database
Journal Citation Reports
overview of citation rates of journals excerpted in Web of Science database according to scientific branches
international citation index - database, which measures citation rate of journal articles and conference proceedings including SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator
Web of Science (WOS)
international citation index - database, which measures citation rate of journal articles and conference proceedings including journal impact factor indicator
Factual resources
Albertina and Report
profiles of Czech companies including their final accounts
D&B Finance Analytics
Information on companies
D&B Hoovers
Information on companies
comprehensive data on all Czech and Slovak economic entities
comprehensive information on companies across the world including their final accounts
Refinitiv Eikon with Datastream
application, which contains real time data, historical data, fundamental data, news, technical analysis, equities, forex/money market, fixed income, derivatives, credit data or M&A data
Cambridge Books
selected e-book collections produced by Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Textbooks
complete collection of electronic textbooks produced by Cambridge University Press
De Gruyter e-books
e-books focused on business, management, economics, political economics, law, finance and computer sciences
Emerald eBooks
e-books focused on business, management, economics and social sciences
Harvard Business Review Press
complete collection of electronic textbooks produced by Harvard Business Review Press
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
encyclopaedia focused on international law
MIT Press Direct
Electronic books produced by MIT Press
Oxford Handbooks Online: Scholarly Research Reviews
peer reviewed handbooks focused on business, management, economics and finance
Pearson e-book Library
Business & Economics a Decision Science e-textbooks
ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary Business & Economics)
large collection of e-books from the field of social and natural sciences
SAGE Catalyst
electronic textbooks produced by SAGE Publishing
Taylor & Francis eBooks
electronic books produced by Taylor & Francis and other publishers
Bibliographic resources
Database of publication activity of the VŠE
overview of documents published by VŠE academics