Tokens (APC Fee Waiver)
Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE), as a member of the CzechELib consortium (a national center for the purchase of electronic resources), can use the waiver of publishing fees associated with publishing in the open regime (APC – article processing charges), so-called tokens. The articles will thus be available on the publisher’s website in open access mode, i.e. for all interested parties without the need to pay a subscription or for reading the article.
Authors from VŠE can draw tokens for publications from ACM, Emerald and Taylor & Francis.
The following rules apply to the use of tokens:
- The author must be a corresponding author and use the institutional e-mail ( when submitting the manuscript.
- The author must have a VŠE affiliation listed in the article and report the article to the VŠE Publication Activity Database.
- The author does not draw the costs of the APC from a grant or other sources.
The fees will be waived for all types of articles (research articles, review articles, conference papers or proceedings papers) that would otherwise be required to pay APC in journals published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
The corresponding author must already use the institutional e-mail ( when submitting the manuscript. After the acceptance of the article, the author is invited to confirm in the eRights system, where it is necessary to select the variant “Institutionally Paid Open Access” and select the license (CC BY is the default).
The fees will be waived for articles (research, review, brief report, case report and rapid communications article) in journals from the Emerald Managements eJournals collection.
When submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author must use his institutional e-mail ( and confirm his interest in publishing in OA mode (“Yes, I want to publish my article as Open Access”). After the article is accepted, the author also receives a link to the license agreement (CC BY 4.0), which he will send back to the publisher after filling it out.
Tokens are allocated automatically until they are used up.
The fees may be waived when publishing articles (Article, Review, Research Article, Review Article, Report, Short Communication, Original Article) in Open Select journals (all hybrid journals).
When submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author must provide his institutional e-mail address ( After the article has been accepted, the author is prompted to confirm the data, but a request for open access also arises automatically. The latter must then be approved or rejected by the author’s institution.
Due to the limited number of tokens available from Taylor & Francis, the following criteria are considered when approving an article:
- the journal has an AIS indicator in the range of Q1 – Q2 or an SJR indicator in Q1
- in the field of FORD recognized for VŠE (on the basis of the data provided in the Database of publication activity of the VSE): a) major: 5.2 Business and economics, 1.2 Computer and information sciences, 5.6 Political science, 5.5 Law, 6.1 History and Archeology; b) others: 1.1 Mathematics, 1.5. Earth and related environmental sciences, 2.7 Environmental engineering, 3.3 Health sciences, 4.5 Other agricultural sciences, 5.1 Psychology and cognitive sciences, 5.3 Education, 5.4 Sociology, 5.7 Social and economic geography, 5.9 Other social sciences.
The author is informed of the approval/non-approval by the library. If approved, he must choose the license under which the article will be published (CC BY or CC BY NC ND). In case of rejection, the author is offered the option to publish the article in a closed mode under subscription, or to pay the APC himself.
NEWS: six journals have switched from hybrid mode to full open-access mode. Authors of these journals are also offered the opportunity to publish under the transformation agreement when signing the “Publishing Agreement.” However, if the institution refuses such a request (5 of the six titles do not even meet the FORD recognizable field), the author must pay the fee himself. Specifically, the journals are Animal Biotechnology, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Human Fertility and Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.
In case of questions contact Library at