Support for Open Science (summary information)

Department of Information Support for Study and Research CIKS offers services aimed at supporting scientists in the field of Open Science.

Direct support of researchers in Open Science:

  • Support in the submission of project applications and the fulfillment of project requirements in the field of open science: we provide consultation and advice in the fulfillment of obligations associated with open science.
  • Support in the management of FAIR data: we provide consultations and advice in creating a Data Management Plan (DMP), options for storing and managing data, options for repositories, etc.
  • Consultation on the issue of open publishing (Open Access / OA): we provide consultations regarding the prevention of publishing in predatory journals, OA access options and licensing of OA publication outputs, consultation and management of provided APC tokens (discount on fees associated with OA publishing).

Education and information support:

  • Seminars and training: we offer seminars to help you better understand open science, as well as open science conditions at different funders, we provide education on a specific open science topic.
  • Information about open science on the web: we share useful information and materials on our website (Library Services – Open Science).

Institutional support:

  • Administration of APC tokens: we manage and distribute APC tokens (discount fees for open publishing) and inspect their usage.
  • Strategy for open science: we participate in the creation of an open science strategy for our institution.

Open Science collaboration and sharing:

  • Inter-institutional cooperation: we support cooperation and knowledge sharing in the field of open science between different institutions, including active involvement in the Open Science working group at the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities.
  • Development of open science: we help build contacts in the field of Open Science specialists and related fields.

Data Steward Support:

  • Consultation and support of data stewards: we provide consultation on the agenda associated with data management and provide methodical support for data stewards directly in project teams.

If you have any questions or need our services, do not hesitate to contact us by email.  We are here for you and happy to help you meet the new requirements and standards of open science.