We are expanding our selection of e-books for doctoral study programs
As part of the Ph.D. Infra project (Development of Infrastructure Support for Doctoral Study Programs at the University of Economics, Prague), we successfully acquired new e-books in the first phase, significantly expanding the study materials available to doctoral students in all study programs at VŠE. In the initial phase, the e-book collection was expanded by nearly 100 titles.
From the acquired titles, we highlight:
Support for Academic and Professional Development: How to Write Differently or Doctoral Supervision and Research Culture, if you are seeking inspiration for better writing or more effective research supervision. Both books offer practical tips to benefit not only students but also the wider academic community.
Economic History: Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution: Conversations with Economic Historians and The Economic Development of Europe’s Regions: A Quantitative History since 1900 provide insights into the evolution of economic thought and economic history, complemented by quantitative analyses.
Finance: Financial Stability, Systems, and Regulation focuses on modern approaches to financial regulation and stability.
Law and Legal Research: For a deeper understanding of legal methodology and effective legal writing, you can turn to titles such as A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method or Handbook on Legal Methodology, which provide practical guidance as well as theoretical foundations for legal research and writing.
Statistical Methods: The Elements of Statistical Learning, a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. Statistical Rethinking is a detailed guide covering the basics of Bayesian methods and modern algorithms, supplemented with examples in R and STAN.
List of All Acquired Titles
Název | ISBN | Odkaz v katalogu |
Multivariate Statistical Methods: Going Beyond the Linear (Frontiers in Probability and the Statistical Sciences) | 9783030813925 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716662 |
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and STAN | 9780429029608 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717159 |
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms | 9781139950619 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718160 |
Time Series Analysis with Python Cookbook: Practical recipes for exploratory data analysis, data preparation, forecasting, and model evaluation | 9781801075541 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716663 |
R Companion for Sampling, Desing and Analysis | 9781003228196 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718164 |
Handbook of Cluster Analysis | 9780429185472 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717160 |
Applied Predictive Modeling | 9781461468493 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717964 |
R For Marketing Research and Analytics (Use R!) | 9783030143169 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717966 |
Time Series Analysis | 9780691218632 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716658 |
The Elements of Statistical Learning | 9780387848587 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717961 |
All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference (Springer Texts in Statistics) | 9780387217369 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717959 |
Ethnography: Principles in practice | 9781315146027 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717171 |
The Handbook of Organizational Economics | 9781400845354 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716651 |
Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences: A Design-Based Approach | 9781139084444 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000520479 |
How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals | 9781789902822 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718036 |
Researching and Analysing Business | 9781003107774 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717166 |
Understanding Structural Equation Modeling | 9783031326721 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717972 |
Evolutionary Processes and Organizational Adaptation: A Mendelian Perspective on Strategic Management | 9780191897375 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717178 |
Idea and Methods of Legal Research Get access Arrow | 9780199098316 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717179 |
New Introduction to Legal Method | 9781003282570 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718165 |
A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method (Aspen Coursebook Series) | 9781543825244 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716661 |
Handbook on Legal Methodolgoy | 9781839702389 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718161 |
Lee Epstein; Andrew D. Martin: An Introduction to Empirical Legal Research | 9780191646546 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716655 |
Discovery of Grounded Theory Strategies for Qualitative Research | 9780203793206 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717156 |
Border Cities and Territorial Development | 9781003164753 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717167 |
Smart Development for Rural Areas | 9780429354670 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717164 |
Rural Development in the Digital Age Exploring Neo-Productivist EU Rural Policy | 9780429340987 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717163 |
The Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development An Alternative Perspective | 9781315211183 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717172 |
Large Databases in Economic History Research Methods and Case Studies | 9781315867427 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717176 |
Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution Conversations with Economic Historians | 9780429234859 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717161 |
Quantitative Economic History The good of counting | 9780429240256 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717162 |
Modern Perspectives on the Golden Standard | 9780511895456 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000528344 |
History of the American Economy 10th ed. | 9781337104609 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717284 |
The Age of Global Economic Crises (1929-2022) | 9781003388128 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717170 |
A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy | 9781400882915 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716653 |
A History of Macroeconomic Policy in the United States | 9780203883563 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717158 |
A Monetary and Fiscal History of the United States, 1961–2021 | 9780691238395 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716664 |
Disruption: The Global Economic Shocks of the 1970s and the End of the Cold War | 9781501774119 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717285 |
Economists at War: How a Handful of Economists Helped Win and Lose the World Wars | 9780191881244 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717180 |
The Western Allies and Soviet Potential in World War II Economy | 9781315682709 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717175 |
Reparations and War: Finding Balance in Repairing the Past | 9780191956331 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717182 |
The Economic Development of Europe’s Regions A Quantitative History since 1900 | 9780429449789 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717165 |
Nation, State and the Industrial Revolution The Visible Hand | 9780203873847 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717157 |
Institutions and Chinese Economic Development A Comparative Historical Approach | 9781003202042 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717168 |
International Economic Integration in Historical Perspective | 9780203086728 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717155 |
The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation | 9781071891292 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716665 |
How to write a better thesis | 9783319042862 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717962 |
The web of data | 9783030515805 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717969 |
Learning SPARQL | 9781449371487 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716652 |
Design Science Research. Cases | 9783030467814 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717970 |
You Are What You Read: A Practical Guide to Reading Well (Skills for Scholars) | 9780691216607 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716660 |
The Elements of Visual Grammar: A Designer’s Guide for Writers, Scholars, and Professionals | 9780691231211 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716670 |
The Craft of College Teaching: A Practical Guide | 9780691202006 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716656 |
From Regional Security to Global IR: An Intellectual | 9781962551281 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717889 |
How to Get Published in the Best Political Science and International Relations Journals: Understanding the Publishing Game (How To Guides) | 9781839107511 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718039 |
How to Conduct Qualitative Research in Social Science (How to Research Guides) | 9781800376199 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718046 |
How to Write Differently: A Quest for Meaningful Academic Writing | 9781800887732 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718042 |
How to Conduct an Effective Peer Review (How To Guides) | 9781800371767 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718037 |
Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations | 9781782548485 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718035 |
A Research Agenda for Public Diplomacy | 9781802207323 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718048 |
Teaching Graduate Political Methodology | 9781800885288 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718044 |
Teaching Undergraduate Political Methodology | 9781800885479 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718043 |
Teaching Experimental Political Science | 9781802208795 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718051 |
Teaching Research Methods in Political Science | 9781839101212 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718038 |
How to Lead Academic Departments Successfully | 9781789907155 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718040 |
How to be an Academic Superhero: Establishing and Sustaining a Successful Career in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities | 9781803929439 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718050 |
Measuring ESG Effects in Systematic Investing | 9781394214808 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717286 |
Exchange Rates and International Finance | 9780273786078 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716654 |
Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data | 9780262296793 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716659 |
Time series and panel data econometrics | 9780191800504 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717181 |
Applied econometric time series | 9781118808566 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717283 |
Econometric analysis of panel data | 9783030539535 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717971 |
Financial stability, systems and regulation | 9781315438290 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717173 |
The Economics of Tax Policy | 9780190619756 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717177 |
Research Handbook on Alternative Finance | 9781800370494 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718052 |
Handbook of Experimental Finance Research Handbooks in Money and Finance series | 9781800372337 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718045 |
Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management Research Handbook on Public Financial Management | 9781800379718 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718049 |
Research Handbook of Financial Markets Research Handbooks in Money and Finance series | 9781800375321 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718047 |
International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th edition | 9781292409818 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716667 |
The Economics of European Integration 7e | 9781526849441 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000694813 |
Economics and Ageing, Volume II: Policy and Applied 2018 | 9783319933573 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718159 |
Economics and Ageing, Volume III: Long-term Care and Finance | 9783030290191 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717967 |
Economics and Ageing, Volume IV: Political Economy, 2019 | 9783030290139 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717968 |
The Future of the Welfare State- European and Global Perspectives | 9781315557908 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717174 |
Rethinking Welfare and the Welfare State | 9781800885127 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000718041 |
Post-Communist Welfare Pathways Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe | 9780230245808 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717958 |
Introduction to Earnings Management | 9783319626864 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717963 |
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys | 9780387230818 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717960 |
Modeling and Simulation in Python: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers | 9781718502178 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716669 |
Research Methods for Business Students | 9781292402734 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000716668 |
Doctoral Supervision and Research Culture What We Know, What Works and Why | 9781003248118 | katalog.vse.cz/Record/000717169 |