Writefull Suite
Writefull offers advanced phrase- and sentence-level text proofreading in English based on deep learning algorithms and a large language database along with AI.
Use the following links to use the individual Writefull tools:
Writefull revise
Web application for checking and correcting grammar, word usage, style, word order, phrasing, etc. It enriches your uploaded document (in .docx, .doc or .tex format) with suggested changes, giving you the option to download a revised version of your text with accepted suggestions.
Writefull cite
A tool for checking the completeness of citations. It highlights sentences that should be supported by the source used. However, it does not replace anti-plagiarism tools, it does not compare texts with the database. It uses its own model (based on AI) to assess whether citations are likely to be needed.
Writefull can also be integrated as an add-on to Word 2019, Office 365 and Mac (Writefull for Word) or as an extension to Chrome and Firefox (Writefull for Overleaf). To take full advantage of each Writefull Suite add-on, you will need to create account at Writefull Suite via Sign in using your university email address. The add-ons can be found in the Products section.
Instructional videos from the distributor you can find here.
If you have a problem, please contact us at iservis@vse.cz.