Opening Hours

Žižkov Library

Opening hours for this week

This week, the library is available during regular opening hours:

Monday 9:00–19:00
Tuesday 8:00–19:00
Wednesday 8:00–19:00
Thursday 8:00–19:00
Friday 8:00–18:00

During the week of February 10, the VŠE libraries will be closed due to limited heating of the buildings. Thank you for your understanding.


Jižní Město Library

Opening hours for this week

This week, the library is available during regular opening hours:

Monday 10:30–18:30
Tuesday 8:30–16:30
Wednesday 10:30–18:30
Thursday 10:30–18:30
Friday 8:30–16:30

During the week of February 10, the VŠE libraries will be closed due to limited heating of the buildings. Thank you for your understanding.

Coworking Idea Fair

Opening hours for this week

This week, the library is available during regular opening hours:

Monday 8:00-21:30
Tuesday 8:00-21:30
Wednesday 8:00-21:30
Thursday 8:00-21:30
Friday 8:00-21:30

During the week of February 10, the VŠE libraries will be closed due to limited heating of the buildings. Thank you for your understanding.


Library of Faculty of Management, Jindřichův Hradec

Opening Hours in Jindřichův Hradec