Citation of legislation according to APA 7

The APA 7th edition citation style provides general recommendations in its manual but only addresses U.S. case law in its examples, leaving the citation of regional law to specific institutions. Based on these general guidelines, VŠE CIKS has created its own examples for citing Czech and EU legislation.

General Rules

In the text

In the body of your work, where possible, specify the particular part of the legislative document (e.g., paragraph, section, chapter, etc.) from which you are citing, either directly in the sentence or at least in the citation bracket. The general structure of a citation in the text is similar to other documents; however, instead of an author, you should place either the designation, e.g., “Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb.” or the shortened title, e.g., Copyright Act, first. It is necessary to choose one of the options and use it consistently throughout the entire work for each legislative citation. Therefore, it is not permissible to use the designation in one citation bracket and the shortened title in another. The general structure (consistent with the examples below):

specific part (legislation designation, year)

(legislation designation, year, specific part)



If you do not find a specific example below, you can cite Czech legislation published in the Collection of Laws, the Collection of International Treaties, the Collection of Legal Regulations of Territorial Self-Governing Units and Certain Administrative Authorities, as well as in the Bulletins of Ministries and Other Authorities, using this template.

Original Czech title [Translation of the original title into English (abbreviated title if applicable)] (“as amended” if amended), Publication Part publication XX (year of approval). URL

Including the URL is not mandatory according to APA 7th edition. Ideally, provide a link to the official version of the regulation from the from the website of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic.  Other official sources are also acceptable, but if you cite amended legislation, it is necessary to include a URL to the current version.

In the case that you are citing legislation that has been amended, you must add the established phrase “as amended” in parentheses after the title. This implies that you have worked with the current version at the time of submitting your work.

If you analyze different versions over time, we recommend citing the specific amendment that changed the text.

Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic


In the text


In the body of your work, where possible, specify the particular part (e.g., section, paragraph, etc.) from which you are citing. In the case of a narrative citation, it is possible to include only the year in parentheses. However, it is also acceptable that if you mention the name of the act in the body of your work, you can include its number in the citation bracket (especially if you are using Zotero, which does not allow omitting the name in the citation bracket).

Interestingly, according to Section 2, Paragraph 6 of Zákon č. 121 (2000), a mere idea of a work is not considered a work.

This is primarily addressed by the Copyright Act, specifically in Section 1 (Zákon č.. 121/2000 Sb., 2000).

The definition of a work can be found in Section 2 (Zákon č.. 121/2000 Sb., 2000).

Direct Quotation

For direct quotations, the specific parts (e.g., section, paragraph, chapter, etc.) should be added directly to the citation bracket.

The Copyright Act states that “copyright applies to a completed work” (Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., 2000, Sec. 2, Par. 2).

“Copyright applies to a completed work” (Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., 2000, Sec. 2, Par. 2).

In the references

Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb. o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon) [Act No. 121/2000 Sb. on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment of Certain Laws]  (as amended), Sbírka zákonů ČR Částka  36 (2000).


In the text

The Decree concerning the operation of construction management information systems (190/2024 Sb., 2024, Sec. 7, Par. 2) stipulates that “each drawing and each document shall be inserted into the electronic documentation as a separate file”.


Vyhláška č. 190/2024 Sb. o podrobnostech provozu některých informačních systémů stavební správy [Decree No. 190/2024 Sb. on the details of the operation of certain construction management information systems (Copyright Act)], Sbírka zákonů ČR Částka 190 (2024).


In the text

According to the Government Regulation of 5 June 2024 (158/2024 Sb., 2024, Sec. 1), a work permit (employee card, intra-company transferee card, or blue card) is not required for citizens of the Republic of Korea (i.e., South Korea).


Nařízení č. 158/2024 Sb., o stanovení seznamu států, u jejichž občanů se nevyžaduje k zaměstnání nebo výkonu práce povolení k zaměstnání, zaměstnanecká karta, karta vnitropodnikově převedeného zaměstnance nebo modrá karta, Vlády České republiky [Regulation No. 158/2024 Sb. on the list of countries whose citizens do not require a work permit, employee card, intra-company transferee card, or blue card for employment or work, Government of the Czech Republic], Sbírka zákonů ČR Částka 158 (2024).

Collection of International Treaties


In the text

In the body of the text, the Communication (Sdělneí No. 54/2001 Sb.m.s., 2001) defines the moment at which an acceding state must determine for which judicial proceedings the rules will apply.

“Each state, upon signing the Convention or depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval of the Convention or accession thereto, shall specify, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, at least three types of judicial proceedings in family matters to which the Convention will apply.” (Sdělneí No. 54/2001 Sb.m.s., 2001, Article 1, Par. 4)

A key point from our perspective is the fact that a child who has sufficient understanding (according to state regulations) has the right to express their opinion during proceedings and can also legally claim it (Sdělení No. 54/2001 Sb.m.s., 2001, Article 3).


Sdělení č. 54/2001 Sb.m.s. o přijetí Evropské úmluvy o výkonu práv dětí [Communication No. 54/2001 Sb.m.s. on the acceptance of the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights], Sbírka mezinárodních smluv Částka 21 (2001).

Collection of Legal Regulations of Territorial Self-Governing Units and Certain Administrative Authorities

Given that the Collection of Legal Regulations of Territorial Self-Governing Units and Certain Administrative Authorities is searched by municipalities or office names, the CIKS VŠE recommends always including the name of the municipality or office in both in-text citations and references to ensure the regulation is correctly identified.

In the text

The Cihelna Natural Monument in Bažantnice was established without a protective zone (Nařízení hlavního města Praha č. 4/2024 Spp., 2024, Sec. 3).


Nařízení č. 4/2024 hlavního města Praha o zřízení přírodní památky Cihelna v Bažantnici a stanovení jejích bližších ochranných podmínek [Regulation No. 4/2024 of the Capital City of Prague on the establishment of the Cihelna Natural Monument in Bažantnice and the determination of its detailed protection conditions], Sbírka právních předpisů územních samosprávných celků a některých správních úřadů (2024).

As EU legislation, cite:

  • Regulations are binding in their entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
  • Directives set binding objectives that the Member States to which they are addressed must achieve. Member States can choose how they wish to achieve these objectives.
  • Decisions are also binding in their entirety. Decisions that specify their addressees are binding only on those to whom they are addressed.
  • Recommendations and Opinions (are non-binding but are still considered legal acts).

General Rules

In the text

In the body of the text, where possible, cite specific parts of legislative documents (e.g., paragraph, article,  etc.) from which the citation is drawn, either directly in the sentence when paraphrasing, or in a citation bracket in the case of a direct quotation (i.e., verbatim text). The general structure of a citation in the text is similar to that of other documents, but instead of an author, a shortened title is used; in the case of EU legislation, it is a numerical designation, e.g., “EU Directive 2019/790.” Thus, in the text, you will cite as follows:


According to paragraph/article, … (Type of EU Legislation No. year/XX, year).

Direct Quotation

EU legislation states “exact text of the legislation” (Type of EU Legislation No. year/XX, year, paragraph/article).



Here is a general template for legislative documents published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Specific examples of individual types can be found below.

Type of EU Legislation No. year/XX title (abbreviated title if applicable)(EEA infomration if applicable), Official Journal of the European Union XXX (year of publication). URL

Including the URL is not mandatory according to APA 7th edition, but the CIKS VŠE recommends including the URL for EU legislation, which is usually available online. Ideally, provide a link to the text in the language of the submitted work (English) in the EUR-Lex database.



In the text

Article 3, paragraph 1 states that a provider shall enable a subscriber who is temporarily in another EU Member State to access a pre-paid online content service to the same extent as in their home EU Member State (Regulation EU No. 2017/1128, 2017).


Regulation (EU) 2017/1128 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market (Text with EEA relevance), Official Journal of the European Union L 168 (2017).


In the text

Under EU legislation, it is established that “Member States should continue to have the option to ensure that right holders receive fair compensation when their works or other subject matter are used by digital means based on an exception or limitation provided for in this Directive for teaching purposes” (Directive EU 2019/790, 2019, para. 24).


Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (Text with EEA relevance), Official Journal of the European Union L 130 (2019).


In the text

In the Decision of the European Parliament and the Council (Decision EU 2022/2512, 2022, Article 3), it is established that “The Commission shall draw up, with the assistance of Member States, a list of the travel documents referred to in Article 1, including the dates from which those travel documents started being issued.”


Decision (EU) 2022/2512 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on the non-acceptance of travel documents of the Russian Federation issued in Ukraine and Georgia, Official Journal of the European Union L 326 (2022).


In the text

“Measures chosen by Member States to reduce demand should be clearly defined, transparent, proportionate, non-discriminatory, and verifiable” (Council Recommendation EU No. 2024/2476, para. 8).


Council Recommendation EU No. 2024/2476 of 25 March 2024 on the continuation of coordinated measures to reduce gas demand, Official Journal of the European Union C (2024).


Citing Legislation with Zotero

You can also use a citation manager for legislation. In this case, we recommend using the document type “Regulation”.

The “Short Title” field is used for entering the title that will be cited in the text (e.g., Act No. 121/2000 Sb.; if you are using both Czech and Slovak laws, enter Sb. ČR and Sb. SR).

For in-text citations, the author cannot be omitted, so the short title is always repeated in parentheses.