Why to cite

Main reasons for citing are:

  • to demonstrate the ability to work critically with sources

When writing a thesis or other academic paper, it is essential to: a) find and read appropriate literature related to the topic; b) critically evaluate it; c) select the correct methodological approach for your research. To make it clear which scholarly sources (literature) you are relying on and what you base your conclusions on, it is necessary to cite all sources from which you draw in. This is how you demonstrate your ability to critically process and analyze a specific problem.

  • to act ethically in accordance with the principles of scientific practice

At VŠE, the requirement to cite is declared by the VŠE Code of Ethics.

  • to act in accordance with both legislative and internal school rules

Czech legislation addresses citation through the following laws and regulations:

    • Act No. 121/2000 Sb. (Copyright Act). Thanks to the citation exception in the Copyright Act, it is possible to use the works of other authors, provided that the work is used in a reasonable manner and for non-commercial purposes;
    • Act No. 111/1998 Coll., section 47c;
    • Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll. on standards for accreditation in higher education.