Library Seminars & Trainings

If you have a question regarding a specific issue related to any of the seminar topics listed below, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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Seminars & Trainings Topics

Please note that for each training the date will fall within the week range indicated below, and the exact date will be announced in the MS Teams group.

10th Sept
Library 101: Starter Pack

A quick introduction to using the university library and its print and electronic resources, including a virtual tour of the facilities and an opportunity to ask questions.

23rd Sept – 27th Sept
Citations for Beginners

Introduction to citation ethics and principles. How to correctly cite academic sources in your papers, including an explanation of the difference between in-text citations and references, direct quotations and paraphrasing.

30th Sept – 4th Oct
How to Cite Correctly Using APA

How to meet the citation requirements as easily as possible, including understanding what a citation consists of for different types of sources and how to check citations.

7th Oct – 11th Oct
E-resources and How to Search Them Effectively

Key skills for efficient searching in e-resources, strategies and techniques for quickly and accurately finding scholarly articles, data, analyses, and other types of e-resources to support quality study.

14th Oct – 18th Oct
Practical Citations: Let Zotero Do the Work for You

A detailed introduction to the possibilities of the Zotero citation software, including options for setting up an appropriate workflow and using key extensions.

25th Nov – 29th Nov
Citation Pop-up

One day of this week will be dedicated to consultation for students writing their thesis. It is not a lecture or a seminar. The focus is on solving individual problems that may occur while citing.

Seminars & Trainings for Specific Courses

The library also offers seminars for specific course subjects. If you are interested in a particular topic, contact us at to discuss the details of the seminar. To ensure the library seminar is useful for the course, it is necessary to align it as closely as possible with the subject matter of the course, and it should be thematically related to the content being covered.

When arranging seminars for courses, it is customary for the instructor to:

  1. Work together with us before the seminar to align the seminar with the course content and possibly consider assigning homework to students.
  2. Be present during the seminar and introduce it, i.e., place it in the context of the course as a whole, and if necessary, supplement the presentation in line with the course objectives.

For bachelor’s and master’s seminars, we typically include e-resources and the rules of proper citation.